La Biennale di WTraining: Team building alla Biennale di Venezia
Settembre/Dicembre 2022
WTraining, società per la formazione aziendale, ci ha chiesto di pensare ad un percorso che potesse coinvolgere tutti i collaboratori attorno al tema della "bellezza". Siamo quindi partiti da una giornata alla Biennale di Venezia durante la quale erano stati assegnati "tasks" che hanno permesso una visita attiva e quindi critica delle opere d'arte contemporanea esposte. Nei mesi successivi i vari gruppi hanno prodotto riflessioni attorno ai temi proposti: il bello e il brutto; il bene e il male; il vecchio e il nuovo e in ultimo hanno identificato desideri individuali e collettivi per il futuro- tema del Padiglione Italia. Il tutto é convogliato in un video che racconta la giornata di fine estate a Venezia e un PDF di circa 50 pagine di riflessioni arricchite da immagini, video e musica preparati dai dipendenti di WTraining.
Academy Now & SCOA
Since the very beginning in 2012, Academy Now has always built bridges between new talented artists and the industry of the arts. In 2017 we started exploring other areas of the current eco system and we found a new wide audience for emerging talents which is represented by firms and companies. We started curating events outside museums and galleries under the flag ART & BUSINESS and we reached an incredibly hungry, open, new audience. The first event was a success and SCOA, a leading Italian firm, asked Academy Now to come up with a new project and new artists. Art & Business is curated by
Laura Tori Petrillo. Invited artists: Andrea Calabresi, Francesca Ferrari, Noa Pane,
Fabio Romano, Agata Torelli.
Academy Now & MAMbo- Museo di Arte Moderna di Bologna
Collaborations between public museums and independent organisations dedicated to research is fundamental for both and we are extremely proud to have achieved this tremendous goal in a moment in Europe where cuts of public funding within culture and political uncertainties have a strong impact on the economy in general and on research and visual arts in particular. In 2017 we invited MAMbo and the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna to work together on a public exhibition of new talents, selected through a public Call. The result was an exhibition of stunning artworks, a dialogue between five of the winners of Academy Now International Calls from all Europe and five winners of the students from Bologna. Lorenzo Balbi, the artistic director of MAMbo (Museum of Modern Art Bologna) said “This is one of the most beautiful exhibitions in Villa delle Rose, well done Academy Now”.
Artists list: Frank Ammerlaan, Veronica Billi, Nicola Bizzarri, Leni Dothan, Nicolas Feldmeyer, Vincenzo Gentile, Noa Pane, Dario Picariello, Daniele Pulze, Fabio Romano. For the opening night we host a performance by Agata Torelli.